ECodePen is a Product of OpenSource which can only be used in PC . OpenSource is a game making company where you can find various kind of pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript based games. As a team of passionate gaming enthusiasts, OpenSource is dedicated to celebrating the gaming community. Our expansive content includes current news, recent releases and helpful guides, all of which are geared for our fellow gamers, novices and professionals alike. We are committed to enhancing your gaming experience.


ECodePad is a Product of Game Splash . Game Splash is a platform where you will find different types of games and others can host their games there. It's an opportunity for the Indie Gamers who do not get proper platform to host there games. So their talent can't flourish. But Game Splash provides the opportunity of hosting games . And anyone can play those games ECodePad is an IDE where you can use HTML, CSS and Java Script code and see it's output. Hope you will enjoy our Product.